
Understanding the world - empowerment

Rapid change. Radical disruptions. New developments that roll in like waves - and give many people the feeling that they are being swallowed up. Because they don't understand the changes. Because the world they live in suddenly looks like a different one. Because they don't feel able to find their own...
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Responsibility - that lies with you ...

What is going wrong for you in the world? What don't you like - in your job, here in Germany, in your personal life? What makes you feel insecure? We are at a crossroads in so many areas. Will AI make us obsolete as humans or richer as humans? Are we as...
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Responsibility, Trust

Trust as a catalyst for your success

"Why don't you give Müller a call? He'll do it for you this week at a really good price." And the tradesman has already gained a new customer, simply through the recommendation of an existing customer. The existing customer has had a good experience with the tradesman: "This is someone who keeps his word...
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