The next step

Overcome the barriers

Founder Torsten Osthus has now applied the four principles of the compass for decades. He has developed these principles from his own perspective - from his experiences as a personality, as part of a team, and above all as a multi-entrepreneur who has successfully mastered the building of successful ventures with the compass - no matter how great the challenges were in today's rapidly changing business world.

His journey has made him aware that we can only be truly successful if we recognize that the next step can only be taken together.

Take the next step too and become part of a community that supports and encourages each other. Together, we will break down barriers and create a world where success is within reach for all, and benefit for others is the driving force.

Utility and growth are evolutionary, and this perpetual principle is now also fundamental in economic and social terms. For today's economy functions like an organism in which cells work together - and anything that is not useful no longer has a future.

Those who take the lead in this evolution understand the importance of the will to learn, trust, responsibility and a focus on results - and they know that successful growth requires a common compass.

This compass with its four simple principles provides a clear orientation in the joint growth process with clear results: for us as individuals, for our companies and for all of us as a community, so that we get moving and shape the future.

Read selected articles about the four principles below. Be inspired or inspire others and become part of our network, the community, the movement.






Growing together,
Setting the future in motion

The Next Step movement is inspired by the vision of Democratizing Success. It creates an environment and spaces where there is more trust and shared development. In which the focus on results is just as important as creating value for others. That carry the will to learn and the impulse for innovation. An environment and spaces in which people benefit from the knowledge and experience of others and gain more confidence and clarity.

An environment that advances you as a person, that advances our companies and our society in the future - for greater success and for the benefit of all.

The next step is on the side of life, development and the benefits we generate for others and thus also for ourselves. The next step means: Live and let live, we can successfully achieve more together. Democratizing Success thus stands for freedom in community, for personal and economic growth. Growth like a living organism, in which all cells work together towards a common goal, a common benefit. This is how cooperation, economy works today and much more in the future.


Invitation for your next steps

Entrepreneur, investor and advisor Torsten Osthus founded The Next Step to create a space that helps take people and organizations to the next level of development. The Next Step is designed to enable you to realize your growth potential and thus act more effectively for your own benefit and the benefit of others.

Torsten Osthus is "a togetherness person", so he has made the experience that especially in critical situations the focus on results in togetherness is highly effective - instead of tearing each other apart by blaming or acting against each other in status and possessiveness.

He wants to create a powerful counter-design to current developments that inhibit individuals and communities from growing successfully and innovating sustainably.

In the final analysis, there are two directions in which we can turn: We can learn and grow or we can stand still and die - at the latest then we recognize the urgency to take the next steps on the path of growth. Regardless of when, the most effective way to do this is together - and preferably not only when our backs are against the wall.

Follow the invitation for the next steps and prevent the deadly standstill: in our companies, in our society, in your life.