
How learning will change - AI as an opportunity

Will your job still exist in the future? Perhaps artificial intelligence will soon be able to take over essential elements of management knowledge today ... According to IBM, 40 percent of people will have to be retrained in the next three years because AI (artificial intelligence) will take over their jobs....
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What is your vision for the future?

"Torsten, what are you doing in Germany?" an American investor in the States asked me, referring to the weak digitalization, the jumble of bureaucracy and the chaos in the energy sector. And he was quite concerned about the future viability of German politics and the economy. "We are putting the ladder on the...
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By principle instead of plan: what makes your leadership strong

"I'm sorry, I wrote three emails to product development, but they didn't manage to adapt the product any sooner. That's why I couldn't deliver the customer's order on time," the employee explains to his line manager. If such statements are made in your department, they are a symptom of a lack of clarity. Clarity about...
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Digitalization: Are we seeing results?

Digitalization is changing everything and we are already on the second half of the chessboard. Anyone who knows the story of the chessboard and the grain of rice knows what this means: exponential growth, not faster speed. If we don't proactively shape this change, it will inevitably destroy our business models, as we have seen with some companies...
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A promise to myself

"A promise made is a debt unpaid." - William Shakespeare In this sense, the debt mountain of many people and also companies is probably quite large. We promise to be a better spouse, to be more considerate, to try harder at work, to serve the customer better... And in this jumble....
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When trust could tear down walls

How high is your wall? I am quite serious about this question. Almost everyone has it, hardly anyone sees it. I am talking about the wall that you have built around yourself. The wall that you are constantly - and often without even noticing it -...
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The compass towards growth

Each person has his own compass. Which points in different directions, which is natural and easy for each of you to grasp. Even if each of you shapes the compass according to your own ideas, wishes, goals and plans, the needle should always point to "learning". Of course, that's where you'll...
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The worst results come with the best intentions

"Unfortunately, the project did not go well. So that we can learn from it, I would like to ask you all to look for the central mistakes and suggest possible solutions for the next projects," says the boss to his team. Repeat offenders in the team Naturally, he was upset that his employees had messed up the project....
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